Dentist gives the child a toothbrush in the dental office
If you have crooked teeth, you have issues beyond those related to your smile. You may also have speech and chewing issues. Although dental appliances such as retainers usually help, dental braces are preferred by most people for straightening their teeth. Before you assume that braces are the best option for you, ensure you consult with your family dentist in Fishers, IN, first. Your dentist will walk you through other alternatives, such as Invisalign.
How Does Invisalign Work?
Invisalign are clear aligners that fit over your teeth and move or align them into a uniform position. When a set of these aligners repositions your teeth, your dentist will replace it with another set of aligners to complete the teeth straightening process.
Invisalign vs Dental Braces
Often, aligners are clear, which means other people may not notice you have them on. If you don’t want to sport visible metal braces, you may want to opt for Invisalign aligners. Unlike braces, you can remove these aligners to thoroughly clean them. If you have tried braces before, you know how hard it is to clean them. You can remove your aligners for long enough to properly and easily brush them.
In addition, you can also soak your aligners in soap and water and get rid of any residue on their surfaces. After you brush your aligners, rinse them properly and fit them back into position. This gives you a completely fresh mouth and breath.
Should You Wear Invisalign for a Long Time?
Often, dental braces are worn for up to five years and require you to visit your dentist frequently for adjustments. But if you choose to get aligners, you can straighten your teeth within just a year or a year and a half. The length of time you must wear the aligners depends on the crookedness of your teeth. Your dentist will evaluate your teeth’s condition first to know if you are a good candidate for some kind of aligning device. After this is settled, your dentist will fit your first set of aligners and determine a timeline to complete the treatment.
Is It Painful?
Braces can cause a little pain for some people. Although you may feel discomfort with aligners, it is often less than with conventional braces. This is due partly to the fact that clear aligners feel better. You may feel discomfort when switching from one set of aligners to the next; however, this often lasts for just a short time. Another good thing about aligners is that your mouth does not get irritated by any metal wires.